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IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

Happy Voting 2012

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With the last Presidential Debate wrapping up last night, many people are holding the candidates in personal voting balances.  One thing is certain in my line of work, many people are either ramping up their contract hiring due to the end of budgets, or completely holding out due to the unseen future.   That is exactly what it is, the UNSEEN future and I think that is what has people scrambling to make drastic changes in their workforces.

What is that makes companies rush into an influx of hiring vs put a hiring freeze on?  If you ask me, I think it is strategic from industry to industry.  Obviously there are a lot of topics being thrown around in this campaign that will have a large effect on specific industries.  Healthcare and Manufacturing being two of the larger industries that could be effected during this election.   This blog is not to pick sides on which candidate I think is more eligible to run the United States and get us out of crisis we are currently in.  It is simply to raise awareness to the current job market and industries that may be changing patterns in their workforce in the months to come.  I hope that this peaks interest for job seekers and gives them the motivation to research which candidate is going to create jobs,  specific to their industry and allow them to provide for themselves and their families.    As a recruiter, I would like to see nothing more than our economy getting repaired, regardless of what candidate does it, so I can find more jobs for more people! 

Happy Voting in this 2012 Election!