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IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

IT & Engineering Staffing Insights

New to Recruiting

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                Having never been exposed to recruiters or the idea of recruiting, this new world is very different to me.  It has definitely taken some adjustment to understand the need of a recruiter, but now that it is beginning to sink in, I am enthralled by the use of such resources.  As I have been exposed to more and more in my three months on the job, I see that our services are extremely valuable to the right businesses.  We here at Anchor Point have a core group of individuals very passionate and knowledgeable about we do, and want to provide the best IT employees to fit your needs.  Almost all businesses these days use IT in some capacity, yet to different degrees and with differing resources.  If there is a need, and they are unable to search out that resource on their own, they come to recruiting firms to assist in filling the position.  This is what we do, and we do it very well. 

            I have always had a gift of gab about me, and a way of getting along with everyone.  Never did I think that these skills would carry me into a career! Networking, and being able to sell someone on an idea or a job are two core attributes to being a successful recruiter, and luckily for me I excel at both.  I’ve always said that I could tell someone to go to Hell in such a way that they are excited about the trip.  Fortunately, in this business I can offer them something even better than an unwanted trip to an extremely hot destination, I can offer them a job!  We all want to have a sense of purpose in this world, and to do something helpful for the people around us.  It is better to give than to receive some say, and what a feeling to help someone who you’ve developed a relationship with, find a job.  They are my candidates, my friends and my employees, and I thank them for that.  Although I am ultimately helping them, they are also helping me feel good about what I am doing, and knowing that I truly can help make a difference.